Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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1. Junior International Series.

The BIIBC Junior International Series sees a Round Robin competition held between England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales to determine the winner of the Acle Trophy (Ladies) and the Joyce Brimble Trophy (Men’s).

2. Representation

2.1 Each country can select a maximum of 18 players to represent them at the International Series.

2.2 An International Match consists of each team being represented by four teams of four players.

2.3 All players selected must be a member of a club in the country they are representing.

2.4 All players selected must be Under 25 years of age on the 30th September of the playing season.

3. Replacements

In the International Series replacement and alteration of playing position of players listed in the Official Programme shall be allowed prior to the first match, at the completion of each

match and before the commencement of any countries next match, providing notification is given to the BIIBC Chief Executive Officer prior to the commencement of that round.

4. Substitutes

Substitutes up to the maximum number of registered reserves shall be permitted in an

International Match as follows.

4.1 Substitutions shall be allowed at any time in the match and can play in any position.

4.2 Any number of substitutes can be brought into a rink but no substitutions across rinks shall be permitted.

4.3 Players can move positions within the rink where a substitution is made.

4.4 Once substituted a player cannot return to the green unless for medical reasons.

4.5 Before a substitution is made the Team Manager making the substitution shall inform the Chief Umpire and opposing Team Manager prior to the substitution being made.

5. Duration of Match

5.1 An International Match shall consist of each Four in a Side playing a match of twenty-one (21) ends or Four (4) hours whichever is shorter.

5.2 Two Trial Ends shall be played before the start of time in all matches irrespective of any time limits being imposed at the discretion of the BIIBC.

5.3 The Team Managers shall toss the coin to determine the right to play first. The winner of the toss shall have the option of either taking the mat and have the first bowl or allowing their opponent to have the mat, jack and first bowl.

6. Stamping of Bowls

All bowls used in competitions under the direct control of the BIIBC must bear a current World Bowls stamp.

7. Time Limit

7.1 All matches shall commence at either the time stipulated in the Official Programme or as announced by the Officer in charge. A delay of up to 30 minutes may be allowed to a player or team in special circumstances at the discretion of the Officers.

7.2 If a jack is delivered from a proper stance on the mat before the expiry of the time limit, the end must be completed. The delivery of the jack as defined in the World Bowls Laws of the Sport Crystal Mark Third Edition shall constitute the start of an end.

7.3 At the end of the appropriate time limit a bell will be rung and the umpires will declare NO JACK but the end in progress must be played to a finish.

8. Re-spotted Jacks

8.1 There shall be no “Dead Ends” In the event of a jack being hit over the side boundaries of the rink, it will be replaced on one of two predefined points on the rink, which are halfway between the centre line of the rink and the edge of the rink in line with the “T”.

8.2 If the jack is hit off to the right of the rink it will be re-positioned on the right predefined point.

8.3 If the jack is hit off to the left of the rink it will be re-positioned on the left predefined point

8.4 When the predefined point is occupied, the jack will be re-positioned at the nearest available position along the line between the predefined point and the “T”, but not touching an obstructing bowl.

8.5 If the jack is hit off the rink directly over the rear bank it will be placed on the “T”, when the “T” is occupied, the jack will be placed at the nearest point on the centre line of the rink, but not touching an obstructing bowl and not less than 2 meters from the ditch.

9. Result in an Individual Match

The side gaining the highest aggregate number of shots shall win the match. Two points will be awarded to the winning side and in the case of a draw one point each shall be awarded to each side.

10. Result in the International Series

10.1 The Side gaining the greatest number of points shall be declared the winner of the Series of International Matches.

10.2 In the event of two or more Sides being equal on points the Side with the highest aggregate net shots shall be declared the winner.

10.3 Should two Sides be equal on points and equal in aggregate net shots, then the winner of the match already played between them will be declared the winner.

10.4 Should two Sides still be equal then the team with the highest number of shots scored will be declared the winner.

10.5 The Side winning the Junior International Series shall hold the Acle Trophy (Ladies) and the Joyce Brimble Trophy (Men’s) until the next series.

11. Umpires

In the event that an Umpire is called to determine the result of an end, the players shall not participate in the measuring procedure (unless asked by the umpire) and the decision of the umpire shall be final.

12. Running on the Green

During the course of the game, players are requested not to run after their bowls.

13. Decision Making

13.1 The Chief Umpires decision on all matters relating to the Laws of the Sport of Bowls Shall be final.

13.2 The BIIBC Competition Officials on duty will have the final decision on all matters in Relation to the implementation of these Rules.

BIIBC | British Isle Indoor Bowls Council ™