Friday, March 14, 2025
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1. Under 18 International Series

The BIIBC Under 18 International Series sees all British Isles Countries competing for Singles, Pairs, Triple, Fours and the Overall Championship through a mixture of Round Robin and Knockout matches.


2. Representation.

2.1               A Team shall consist of 5 from 6 nominated players who will form a Single, Pair, Triple and Four.

2.2               Each country will be asked to enter a minimum of 1 team and a maximum of 2 teams in the event.

2.3               A minimum of 1 female*/male must be included in each team.

2.4               All players selected must be a member of a club in the country they are representing.

2.5               All players selected must be Under 18 years of age on the 30th September in the playing season.


3. Replacements and Substitutes.

3.1               In the International Series replacement and alteration of playing position of players listed in the Official Programme shall be allowed prior to the first match, at the completion of each match and before the commencement of any countries next match, providing notification is given to the BIIBC Chief Executive Officer prior to the commencement of that round.

3.2               Any substitute during a match shall be permitted only in accordance with the World Bowls Laws of the Sport Crystal Mark Fourth Edition.


4. Duration of Matches

4.1               A Single with 4 Bowls of 2 Sets of 8 ends with, in the event of a tie break, with the shot only counting. A Tie Break shall be 1 End of 4 bowls each, if there isn’t a clear winner then the match shall be decided on a 1 bowl shootout.

4.2               A Pair with 2 Bowls of 2 Sets of 8 ends with, in the event of a tie break, with the shot only counting. A Tie Break shall be 1 End of 2 bowls each, if there isn’t a clear winner then the match shall be decided on a 1 bowl shootout.

4.3               A Triple with 2 Bowls of 2 Sets of 6 ends with, in the event of a tie break, with the shot only counting. A Tie Break shall be 1 End of 2 bowls each, if there isn’t a clear winner then the match shall be decided on a 1 bowl shootout.

4.4               A four with 2 Bowls of 2 Sets of 5 ends with, in the event of a tie break, with the shot only counting. A Tie Break shall be on 1 End of 2 bowls each, if there isn’t a clear winner then the match shall e decided on a 1 bowl shootout.

4.5               In the Pairs, Triples and Fours, a 1 bowl shootout requires the nomination of a player to represent his/her team.


5. Trial Ends.

Trial ends are only permitted on the first session of play each day.


6. Stamping of Bowls

All bowls used in competitions under the control of the BIIBC must bear a current World Bowls stamp.


7. Re-spotted Jacks

7.1               There will be no “Dead Ends”. In the event of the jack being hit over the side boundaries of the rink, it will be replaced on one of two predefined points on the rink, which are halfway between the centre line of the rink and the edge of the rink in line with the “T”.

7.2               If the jack is hit off to the right of the rink it will be re-positioned on the right predefined point.

7.3               If the jack is hit off to the left of the rink it will be re-positioned on the left predefined point.

7.4               If the jack is hit off the rink directly over the rear bank it will be placed on the “T”, when the “T” is occupied, the jack will be placed at the nearest point on the centre line of the rink, but not touching an obstructing bowl and not less than 2 metres from the ditch.

7.5               When the predefined point is occupied, the jack will be re-positioned at the nearest available position along a line between the predefined point and the “T”, but not touching an obstructing bowl.

8. Format of Each Individual Competition.

8.1               Countries in all four events Singles, Pairs, Triple & Fours will be placed into 3 groups, Group A, Group B & Group C and will play a Round Robin format in each group. Players from each team will contest the Pairs or Triples and Singles and Fours, with the availability of using the 6th player, as and when, required in any of the four events in any Round.

8.2               The winner of each match will be awarded 2 points, 0 points will be awarded for a loss.

8.3               The final positions in each Group will be determined as follows: -

8.3.1         The total number of points won.

8.3.2         The winner of the match between the 2 sides.

8.3.3         If 2 or more sides have equal points and have won 1 game against each other, then the side with the most plus shots difference will decide the final position of the group.

8.3.4         If sides are still tied after using shot difference, then the side with the most shots scored will decide the final positions of the group.

8.3.5         If sides are still tied after using shots scored, the position will be decided by the toss of a coin.

8.4               Positional play off’s

8.4.1         The 3 group winners will play against each other to determine the Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals.

8.4.2         The 3 teams that finish second in the groups will play against each other to determine who finishes in 4th, 5th & 6th place.

8.4.3         The 3 teams that finish bottom of the groups will play against each other to determine who finishes in 7th, 8th & 9th place.

8.4.4         If teams are equal after this series of matches Rule 7.3 above will be used to determine the final positions.


9. Format of the Overall Team Competition.

9.1               Points will be awarded for each of the four events as follows: -

1st Place 12 points            2nd Place 10 points           3rd Place 8 points

4th Place 6 points              5th Place 5 points              6th Place 4 points

7th Place 3 points              8th Place 2 points              9th Place 1 point.

9.2               The overall Winning Team will be decided as follows: -

9.2.1         The total points won by each country over the 4 disciplines will be added together.

9.2.2         Countries that have 2 teams in the event will have their totals added together and divided by two.

9.2.3         The country with the highest points total will be awarded the overall trophy.

9.2.4         In the event of 2 or more sides being equal on points the side with the highest aggregate net shots shall be declared the Winner.

9.3               The overall Winning Team will receive the BIIBC Under 18 Trophy until the following International Series.


10. Umpires

In the event that an Umpire is called to determine the result of an end, the players shall not participate in the measuring procedure (unless asked by the umpire) and the decision of the umpire shall be final.


11. Slow Play.

10.1        In Singles, the player may not visit the head until he/she has delivered their third bowl.

10.2        In Pairs, the leads cannot visit the head in any circumstances.

10.3        In Triples, the leads cannot visit the head in any circumstances and the second player cannot return to head once they have left to go down to the mat.

10.4        In fours, the leads and seconds cannot visit the head in any circumstances and the third cannot return to the head once they have left to go down to the mat.


12.  Team Management

All Team Managers and Assistants must be registered with the BIIBC Chief Executive Officer prior to the start of the Championship.

Players may only consult their Management Team a maximum of once per end.


13.  Scorecards

All scorecards, fully completed in accordance with the Laws of the Sport and signed MUST be handed to the umpire immediately after the completion of a match.

Failure to comply may result in the offending team being disqualified and the points awarded to the non- offending team


14. Decision Making.

The Chief Umpires decision on all matters relating to the Laws of the Sport of Bowls shall be final.

The BIIBC Competitions Officials on duty will have the final decision on all matters in relation to the implementation of these Rules.

BIIBC | British Isle Indoor Bowls Council ™